Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)

Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures. Eyelid surgery is a procedure to remove fat - usually along with excess skin and muscle - from the upper and lower eyelids. Eyelid surgery can lift drooping upper lids and reduce the puffy eye bags that form below your eyes. This procedure can be done alone or in conjunction with other plastic facial surgical procedure such as a facelift.

Blepharoplasty surgery is an operation that usually takes 1.5 to 3 hours to complete using a general anaesthetic and normally includes an overnight stay at the hospital. In certain circumstances it can be performed as a day case (usually if just the upper eyelids are operated on).


  1. For the upper eyelids the incision is made in the natural crease line that occurs 1 cm above the eyelashes. The incisions might extend into the crow's feet or laughter lines at the outer corners of your eyes. Working through the incisions your surgeon will separate the skin from the subcutaneous layers and remove excess fat and trim sagging muscle and skin. The incisions will then be closed with very fine sutures.
  2. For the lower eyelids the incision starts underneath the eyelashes and extends out 1 cm or so outwards into the crow's feet area, the skin is then lifted upwards and outwards, gently tensioning the area and overlapping skin removed. Again the incisions will then be closed with very fine sutures.


  1. After blepharoplasty the surgeon will probably lubricate your eyes with ointment
  2. May apply a bandage.
  3. Some bruising and swelling will be experienced during the first and second weeks, however the majority of the swelling usually subsides after the first 10 days.
  4. your eyelids may feel dry at first, but eye drops can help with this.
  5. Any sutures are usually removed after 5 days.
  6. Scars will form as a result of the surgery.
  7. Overall these scars heal relatively well, but will differ in each individual patient.


  1. Recovery varies from patient to patient.
  2. It is advisable to take it easy for the first week after surgery.
  3. Most people are ready to go out and return to work after a week to 10 days.
  4. You should keep your activities to a minimum for three to five days and avoid more strenuous activities for about three weeks.

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