Facial implant

The success of implants is dependent on the elasticity of surrounding tissue in accepting repositioning of facial features. Those with an appearance of a reduced bone structure will benefit greatly from facial implants

Facial implants will not make you look like someone else; however, they will enhance your current features. For someone considering facial implants, they should consider the facial implant benefits first. There are different types of facial implant surgery available: cheek implant, chin implant, and jaw implant.

The face is a key part of someone's appearance, and whether you are fighting the efforts of genetics or repairing the injuries from an accident, you can achieve the face that you want and find the right balance through the usage of facial implants. the basic procedure is the insertion of plates in front of the bone in several locations around the face. The procedure is well practiced, using FDA-approved materials, and will help you achieve the look that you want.

The effect of facial implants

facial implants add definition to key features of the face and can help the overall symmetry and proportion to create better balance. This procedure is also known as facial contouring or chin/cheek augmentation.


The best candidates for facial implants are: Men and women with weak chins, unpronounced cheeks or undefined jaw line.

Frequently asked questions?

How do I know if a facial implant is right for me?

When you sit down with your surgeon for your pre-operative consultation, he or she will ask detailed questions about your medical history. Have you had cosmetic facial surgery before? Have you ever undergone reconstructive facial surgery? Additionally, he or she will want to know what you seek to change about your appearance. Why are you unhappy with your facial features? Are there other surgeries you want or need to have done, such as a facelift, forehead lift, or other cosmetic procedure? If you have certain dental problems, you will need to let your surgeon know about these.

How are facial implants done?

During your pre-operative consultation, you and your surgeon will decide together whether you’ll have local anesthesia with sedative or general anesthesia (which means you’ll be asleep for the procedure).

In most cases, facial implant surgery is completed on an outpatient basis in a hospital, your surgeon’s office, or a surgical center. Your surgeon will make this determination based on your particular case.

The length of surgery will depend on which part of your face is affected, but it commonly lasts between 1 and 2 hours. Sutures to close the incision will dissolve on their own if they are inside your mouth. An incision on the skin may have sutures that need to be removed.

Where are facial implants placed?

  1. Jaw implant: Used to enhance the shape of the jaw line. Placed through an incision inside the mouth where the lower lip meets the gum.
  2. Cheek implant: Placed through an incision inside the mouth where the upper lip meets the gum, or externally via your lower eyelid.
  3. Chin implant: Either through an incision, inside the mouth where the lower lip meets the gum, or under your chin.

How do I prepare for a facial implant?

The good news about facial implants is that the recovery is quick. That is, you will likely need to take only one week off from work. Of course, your recovery will depend on your own personal habits and whether or not you’re having other surgery performed.

Wear loose clothes that do not have to be pulled over your face. Your surgeon will instruct you on which foods and medications to avoid before and after facial implant surgery. If you are a smoker, your surgeon may ask you to quit smoking, nicotine gum and nicotine skin patches for a certain period of time before and after the surgery. You will also be asked to stop any medications, multivitamins or herbal preparations that are known to thin your blood.

Facial implant surgery

There are a few locations where plastic surgery may be performed, and it may only take from half an hour to an hour to perform. The patient may be awake with only a local anesthesia applied, or may be asleep under general anesthesia. In rare cases, you may be required to stay over night after the procedure. The most common areas where facial implants are used include the chin, cheek and jaw areas. Depending on your needs, you may be receiving implants in one or many of the areas. For the specific areas:

Cheek implant

In order to place the implant, the incision is made under the lower eyelid, just above and to either side of the upper portion of the lip. A space will be created by the surgeon, who will insert the implant. After closing the incision, a bandage will be placed to protect the site during recovery. During this time, facial movements will be strained, and you will have guidelines and dietary restrictions as instructed by the doctor.

Chin implant

The incision for a chin implant is made either above the chin under the lower lip, or below the chin closer to the neck. Then the implant is inserted as above and the site closed and protected. Mouth movement will be difficult, and bruising is likely to appear. In addition to the above guidelines, there will be oral hygiene guidelines.

Jaw implant

The jaw is approached from either side of the lower lip. From there the procedure follows that for the chin, with some added chance for swelling.


As with any surgery, you do risk certain side effects and complications. You will experience bruising and swelling, which can last up to two weeks. Your surgeon will let you know what to watch for, as far as excessive or abnormal swelling or bruising. Because you are having an implant inserted into your body, there is a risk of the facial implant shifting. If this happens, you may have to undergo a follow-up operation. Your surgeon will discuss these possibilities with you. You also run the risk of infection; your surgeon will give you antibiotics in this case.

Contact your doctor immediately if:

  1. You develop a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more.
  2. You experience abnormal pain or swelling.
  3. You experience abnormal discharge (such as pus) from the incision site.


Those who will receive the most benefit from facial implants are those with skin that has become loose around the face. The success of implants is dependent on the elasticity of surrounding tissue in accepting repositioning of facial features. Those with an appearance of a reduced bone structure will benefit greatly from facial implants. To really determine the best course of action, a consultation with a plastic surgeon is recommended.

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