Chin reduction

Chin reduction surgery

Chin reduction surgery is a purely elective procedure which physically alters your chin. This is not corrective in nature in the sense that there is a defect. This, along with chin augmentation surgery, belongs in the field of plastic surgery. This is a physical surgery that attempts to restore a flagging self esteem.

Before any chin reduction surgery even proceeds, there is an assessment of the mental health of the patient who should meet the various requirements of the specialty clinic. Truthfully though, most of the assessments are for public consumption and the whole procedure is actually a very lucrative one.

In preparing for a chin reduction surgery, the patient will have to avoid medications that can alter normal blood clotting time. Aspirin and some NSAIDs have to be discontinued as there could be complications in the procedure. The procedure itself is relatively simple: An incision is made under the chin or inside the mouth and the bone at the tip of the chin is shaped by using special tools. The bone is then returned and repositioned and will be held together by the use of wires and plates. Sutures are then used to close the incision.

Like any invasive procedure, there are risks involved as well. Chin reduction surgery patients will experience swelling for several weeks, this is the time that the bone is trying to heal. This is also the time when post-operative infections can occur. Preventive measures like the taking of antibiotics are the standard to any surgical procedure. Another is that there may be some nerves that were affected by the procedure which can cause numbness to the chin area. There are also risks of reactions to the anaesthesia which may affect a patient with respiratory diseases like Asthma. For those who want to get rid of the Neanderthal chins though, these are risks worth taking. The need to look good and feel good still outweigh the knowledge of the risks.

The secret to a successful chin reduction surgery is to find the right surgeon who is certified and recommended. They may come at a price, but the lower the fees are, more warning signals should appear. These highly qualified plastic surgeons are not where they are if they are not experienced. Quality work can satisfy the most demanding of patients who want to improve the way they look. There is a growing demand for augmentation and reduction surgeries. Finding the best qualified surgeon you can afford is the only way to the road to satisfaction.

Frequently asked questions?

Who should consider chin reduction?

The best chin reduction surgery candidates are in good general health and mentally stable. These individuals should have clear and realistic ideas about what the surgery can achieve. Candidates should not be any younger than age 20, since the chin is still developing up to this point. No bone disorders must be present in the surgical candidate in order to successfully perform a chin reduction.

For those candidates who may not be eligible for chin reduction surgery, facial liposuction is another alternative that can assist with improving facial contours. You should also consider facial implants, rhinoplasty, and lip augmentation, as all these procedures can potentially put your chin in better proportion with the rest of your face.

How does a chin reduction work?

Aspirin and all Aspirin-containing medicines must be strictly avoided in the weeks prior to chin reduction surgery as should non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These blood-thinning medicines disrupt blood clotting and raise the risk of bleeding and bruising.

The surgeon makes an incision on the inside of the mouth (next to the lower lip or under the chin). Using special surgical instruments, the bone is detached at the chin’s tip and reshaped. The surgeon removes the unwanted bone to create the desired contour. the tip is then held together with wires and plates. The incisions are stitched to finalize the chin reduction surgery.

What does chin reduction/augmentation surgery involve?

A jutting out chin can be reduced by removing some of the chin bone, while a recessive chin can be built out. In augmentation the surgeon uses a shaped implant to define the jaw. the implant is positioned beneath the skin through an incision made from inside the mouth or below the chin. Once the implant is in place fine sutures are used to secure it. The incision is made inside the mouth and so there will be no visible scar.

How long does chin augmentation surgery take?

The procedure normally takes between 2-3 hours depending on its complexity. This procedure is usually carried out as a day case and will involve an overnight stay in hospital. You can then normally return home the day following surgery.

What can I expect from a chin reduction?

Your expectations need to be realistic. Surgery should achieve an aesthetically balanced chin, mid-face and upper face helping to bring the face into balance and along the way, help to give you greater confidence.

Risks and benefits

Chin reduction surgery may lead to swelling for many weeks or even months while the bone heals. Infection occurs only rarely. Some nerve damage can also take place after chin reduction surgery leading to lower lip and chin numbness. As with any surgery, complications may occur from adverse reactions to anesthesia, which can affect a patient's respiratory system.

When an experienced surgeon who is well practiced in the Chinplasty procedure performs the surgery, the risks of these negative events decreases significantly. In the right surgical hands, a chin reduction surgery can improve self-esteem dramatically and transform a person’s overall appearance. A chin reduction can lead to a more proportionate facial balance between the nose and the chin. Together with a facelift and sometimes a rhinoplasty if needed, a chin reduction procedure can be the final touch to creating a refined, elegant look.


Frequently asked questions?

What will happen in the recovery period?

It is normal to experience slight swelling and bruising which should settle down within two weeks of surgery. Any numbness will usually subside after a few days and talking, yawing, and eating may be uncomfortable during this time. All sutures will dissolve within this time. If they have to be removed the surgeon will usually do this around 10 days after the operation.

What is the recovery time from chin reduction/augmentation surgery?

Most people are able to go back to work within a week of surgery. However your surgeon may suggest you take 1-2 weeks off work. A soft diet is recommended for about a week and strenuous activities should be avoided for up to 2 weeks. Any situation which might involve facial contact should be avoided for up to 6 weeks.

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