Injectable fillers

Cosmetic injectable fillers, also known as soft tissue augmentation, can plump thin lips, enhance shallow facial contours, soften facial creases and wrinkles, or improve the appearance of recessed scars.

Cosmetic injectable fillers

One of the earliest signs of aging is a loss of facial fullness and the development of wrinkles. We offers non-surgical options to soften these facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face with the latest techniques in cosmetic injectable fillers. the use of cosmetic injectable fillers, also known as soft tissue augmentation, can plump thin lips, enhance shallow facial contours, soften facial creases and wrinkles, or improve the appearance of recessed scars.

While cosmetic injectable fillers do not stop the aging process, Injectable fillers may help delay the need for more invasive procedures, such as a facelift, brow lift or other procedures.

A telltale sign of aging is the development of expression lines in your face: wrinkles that result from the repeated movement of certain facial muscles. Your face also loses fullness over time. This is the result of Sun exposure, heredity, and lifestyle. There are surgical options, such as a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) which can help with puffiness around the eyes, or for rejuvenation of the face and neck a patient may consider a face lift

Often need of minimal-downtime procedures which, for moderate facial aging, will usually be Injectable fillers, also known as dermal fillers. These fillers, such as Restylane, Radiesse and Sculptra can soften facial lines and creases and restore volume and fullness in the face. In some cases, they can ease the appearance of recessed scars.

Injectable filler basics

What exactly are injectable fillers?

There are several kinds. Some are natural substances that come from the body. Others are synthetic forms of these substances. And in some cases, they may be fat cells from your own body. Chemical structure is only one way fillers are different from each other. Each has a different preferred application and duration for its results.

  1. Collagen, for example, is a protein manufactured by your own body, which supports the skin. Injectable filler forms which are made from human skin include Cosmoderm and Cosmoplast, Zyderm and Zyplast, on the other hand, are derived from bovine collagen and require allergy testing before they’re used.
  2. Restylane is likewise a natural hyaluronic acid, which is found in our bodies. It is often used to fill out some surface wrinkles and concave scars. It’s also used to fill facial creases and to plump up lips. Its effects last six months or longer.
  3. Radiesse, a natural compound found in human bones, can fill deeper creases, such as marionette lines and frown lines. It can enhance the fullness of cheeks and accentuate certain facial contours. Its effects last two years or longer.
  4. Sculptra is longer-term injectable filler that induces your own body to produce more of its natural collagen. It has been used extremely successfully replacing facial volume lost in certain medical conditions, and now is becoming a very popular facial filler.


The best way to determine if you are a candidate for injectable filler is through a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon

Tissue fillers are a good option if you:

  • are physically healthy
  • have mild or moderate degree of facial aging
  • have specific, but realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your appearance

Frequently asked questions?

How do I prepare for a cosmetic injectable filler procedure?

Preparation for your cosmetic injectable filler procedure may include:

  1. Discussing why you want the procedure, your expectations and desired outcome.
  2. Review of your medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments.
  3. Review of your current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
  4. Discussing any past treatment with injectable fillers, facial shaping or Botox therapy, or other facial rejuvenation procedures.

Your cosmetic surgeon may also:

  1. Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors.
  2. Discuss options available to you for facial rejuvenation.
  3. Examine and measure your face.
  4. Take photographs for your medical record.
  5. Discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment.
  6. Discuss likely outcomes of injectable fillers and any risks or potential complications.

How is a cosmetic injectable filler procedure performed?

The filler is injected with a fine needle into strategic points on your face in combination with topical or local anesthesia.

The injection sites are cleansed with an antibacterial agent, followed by icing or a topical numbing agent to make more sensitive patients comfortable. The filler itself may contain an anesthetic agent, or you may receive a local anesthetic or combination of local anesthesia and conscious sedation (also known as “twilight sleep”).

Multiple injections are often needed to fill wrinkles or recessed scars. Enhancing your lips with fillers also requires multiple injections to distribute the filler for enhanced lip fullness and to raise or define a Cupid’s bow or vermillion border.

Cosmetic injectable fillers are often used to:
  • address nasolabial folds (facial creases between the nose and mouth)
  • improve marionette lines (lines or wrinkles that extend from the outer corners of the mouth down toward the chin)
  • correct “lipstick lines” around the mouth
  • restore fuller cheeks
  • create fullness in the lips
  • improve forehead frown lines, when used in conjunction with Botox.

What are the different types of injectable fillers?

There are many different cosmetic injectable filler options. your first step in determining which filler is best for your needs is through a consultation with cosmetic surgeon. Schedule a consultation.

There are a variety of cosmetic injectable fillers to suit different patients’ needs:

  1. Collagen is a natural protein that is the primary component of the second layer of the skin, the dermis. Collagen acts as the support structure of the skin for the growth of cells and blood vessels. Injectable collagen formulas derived from human dermis including Cosmoderm or Cosmoplast. Alternatively, Zyderm and Zyplast are forms of purified bovine collagen that, unlike human-derived collagen, require allergy testing. Results from collagen injections generally last three months. Collagen injections historically were the first of the tissue fillers, but, because of their short-lived effectiveness, they have largely been replaced by newer types of fillers.
  2. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in your body. It is effective for plumping thin lips and filling facial creases between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds) and the jowl area (marionette lines). Hyaluronic acid may also be effective for some surface wrinkles and concave scars, under the eyes (nasojugal grooves) and in the forehead region and elsewhere.
  3. Common hyaluronic acid products include Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane with results from these injectables lasting six months or longer depending on both the individual patient and location of injection. Hyaluronic acids are currently the most popular of the cosmetic injectable fillers.
  4. Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse) is a mineral-like compound found naturally in human bones, which is suspended within a gel-like formation. It is the heaviest of facial fillers and is recommended to fill deeper creases such as nasolabial folds and marionette lines, as well as to enhance fullness of the cheeks and other facial contours. Radiesse’s results last from six months to one year.
  5. Human fat, harvested from your own body, can be reinjected to enhance facial fullness, fill deep creases and to build up shallow contours. augmentation through fat injections requires a more extensive procedure than other injectable fillers because it involves the use of liposuction techniques to extract the fat prior to injection. Fat injections are somewhat unpredictable in how long they last. Length of action varies from patient to patient and location of injection.
  6. Poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra) was developed to treat facial wasting, a condition commonly resulting from HIV. FDA-approved for this purpose, it also has recently been approved for facial aging. It functions similarly to human fat injections by enhancing facial volume in patients who appear to have lost facial fat. Studies have shown results from Sculptra lasting up to two years.
  7. PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) fillers (Artecoll, Artefill, Artesense, and Artes Medical) are a type of permanent filler. Unlike temporary fillers, the immediate filling effect of PMMAs disappears rather quickly and, over time, gradual, but long-lasting correction is established. The food and drug administration (FDA) approved PMMA fillers for the correction of facial wrinkles, such as smile lines.

What results can I expect?

Injectable fillers offer immediate results, but your results will vary depending on which filler is used. A filler's effectiveness can range from six months (such as hyaluronic acids) to over one year (with the use of PMMAs).

In some cases, the length of your results or effectiveness of correction depends on the filler used, the area treated and the individual patient. Because injectable fillers are not permanent, the best way to ensure results is through repeated treatments with your cosmetic surgeon. In general, less filler is required on subsequent injections.

A thorough consultation with a cosmetic surgeon will help determine the best injectable filler treatment based on your age, skin condition, amount of Sun damage and genetics.

What is involved in recovery?

Injectable filler procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. your initial appearance after treatment with any filler may include;

  • mild swelling or bruising
  • temporary numbness or redness
  • temporary irregularity to touch in the soft tissue or skin

These side effects are easily managed with topical icing and will improve within hours or just a few days.

Are cosmetic injectable fillers safe?

All surgical procedures carry some risk, but complications from filler procedures are uncommon. Possible risks and considerations regarding injectable fillers include:

  • fillers derived from non-human sources may require a pre-treatment allergy test
  • certain fillers may lead to an infection at the injection site
  • fillers that are not completely fluid and contain microscopic granular substances (PMMAs) carry a risk of “clumping” as a result of facial movement and the natural aging process. Over time, these can result in lumps or nodules that may require surgery to treat
  • acne-like skin eruptions
  • antibodies to filler material may reduce the effectiveness of future injections
  • asymmetry
  • bleeding, bruising and swelling
  • skin death, also called skin necrosis (extremely rare)
  • skin rash, itching and swelling
  • skin redness
  • skin sensitivity
  • under or over correction of wrinkles.


In general, injectable fillers help in rejuvenating the physical appearance of the patient’s face.

Collagen injectable fillers are used primarily to fill lines, scars and wrinkles on the face, chest, back and neck.

Fat injectable fillers are usually used to fill in sunken cheeks or laugh lines in between the mouth and nose. It is also used in correcting skin indentations or depressions as well as enhancing the lips and reducing forehead wrinkles.


Recovery after injecting collagen fillers

Immediately after the collagen treatment, the patient will have minor stinging, throbbing or discomfort on the treated area. Minor swelling or bruising may also occur. Redness from the injected area will vanish within a day or two. Small scabs can also form over the area where the needles were placed. However, these scabs heal quickly.

There is no need to wear bandages during the recovery period. The patient may eat and drink freely as well as wear makeup a few days after the collagen treatment.

Recovery after injecting fat fillers

Immediately after treating with fat injectable fillers, the patient’s face may appear swollen or puffed out. Expect minor bruising and redness on both donor and recipient treated areas. The swelling and redness may last for several weeks, depending on the patient’s skin type.

Side effects, risks, complications and contradictions

Regardless of injectable fillers administered, complications are possible. The most common complications include edema, hypersensitivity, erythema, blancing and allergenicity.

Temporary side effects include bruising, mild swelling, itchiness, ridging, nodule formation, granulomas and redness of the treated areas for a few days.

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