
Plastic surgeons also use dermabrasion for the treatment of scarring related to acne, a condition known as “rhinophyma” and for acne, rosacea, tattoos, chicken pox, scars, skin growths, multiple pigmented birthmarks, blotchy brown or liver spots, keloids and Sun damaged skin.

Dermabrasion surgery

Dermabrasion, or skin planning, is a surgical procedure in which the dermatologist removes or "sands" the skin with a rotary abrasive instrument to improve its contour. Dermabrasion should not be confused with "Micro-dermabrasion," which is a superficial technique. For minor skin problems dermabrasion creates a skin wound, much like an accidental abrasion, which requires several days to a week or more to heal. The healed skin generally has a smoother appearance.

Everyone would like the fresh-faced look of youthful glowing skin but very few people have such perfect skin. Even if one is lucky enough to have great skin naturally, there are many factors like Sun exposure, aging, smoking that take the freshness and glow off the skin.

We knows how important it is to someone’s inner confidence that they feel and look their best. For this it offers dermabrasion technique, to resurface and revitalize the skin. By scuffing or abrading the skin with tiny particles, the old layer of skin is removed to reveal new skin underneath. Less harsh than chemical peels and laser skin treatment, dermabrasion is used to reduce wrinkles, lines, blemishes, uneven skin tone, and to improve acne, facial scars and to remove pre-cancerous growths.

Plastic surgeons also use dermabrasion for the treatment of scarring related to acne, a condition known as “rhinophyma” and for acne, rosacea, tattoos, chicken pox, scars, skin growths, multiple pigmented birthmarks, blotchy brown or liver spots, keloids and Sun damaged skin. It produces smoother skin by removing the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) so that new tissue grows back to replace the old.

The process is done under local anesthesia but some surgeons also prefer to use general anesthesia so that you are completely unaware of all the facial skin manipulation that is evidently required during this procedure.

First, the skin is cleansed with antiseptic agent. Many surgeons freeze the skin with ice packs or a spray that freezes the skin. The surgeon then uses a hand-held high speed rotating dermabrasion machine — about the size of a pencil — with a small cone of sandpaper or a stiff brush on its end. That instrument sands down the outer layer of the old skin and leaves a scab which remains on the face for about a week. As the scab peels off, new skin appears to reveal its natural radiance and luminosity, reducing fine lines and rejuvenating your complexion quickly and without discomfort.

The procedure

Dermabrasion may be helpful if you have:

  • age-related skin growths (Seborrheic keratoses)
  • fine lines and wrinkles, such as around the mouth
  • precancerous growths (keratoses)
  • scars on the face due to acne, accidents, or previous surgery

Alternative treatments such as laser or chemical peels exist for many of these conditions.

Frequently asked questions?

When is dermabrasion indicated?

When dermabrasion was first developed, it was used predominantly to improve scars resulting from acne, chicken pox, and accidents. Today, it is also used to treat tattoos, age spots, chronic Sun damage, wrinkling, precancerous skin degeneration and other diseases.

What happens prior to the procedure?

During the dermabrasion consultation, the surgeon describes the type of anaesthesia to be used, the procedure and what results might realistically be expected. The doctor also explains the possible risks and complications that may occur. Photographs are taken before and after surgery to help evaluate the amount of improvement. Preoperative and postoperative instructions are given to the patient at this time.

What happens during dermabrasion surgery?

Before surgery, a medical history is taken and a careful examination is conducted in order to evaluate the condition of the patient's skin. During the consultation, the dermatologist describes dermabrasion and possible alternative treatments, potential results that might realistically be expected, possible risks, complications, and the type of anesthesia to be used. Photographs are frequently taken before and after surgery to help evaluate the amount of improvement. Medication to prevent activation of fever blisters (herpes simplex) may be prescribed for susceptible individuals.

How is dermabrasion performed?

Dermabrasion can be performed in the dermatologist's office or in an outpatient surgical facility. Medication to relax the patient may be given prior to surgery. The area is thoroughly cleansed with an antiseptic agent before application of a spray that freezes and numbs the skin. Alternatively, an anesthetic agent is injected to numb the skin. A high-speed rotary instrument with an abrasive wheel or brush removes (abrades) the upper layers of the skin to improve irregularities in the skin's surface. Soothing ointments and a dressing are then applied.

What happens after the surgery?

For a few days, the skin feels as if it has been severely sunburned. Medications may be prescribed to alleviate discomfort, but most people do not experience severe pain. Special dressings and emollients help speed the skin's recovery. Healing usually occurs within 10 days. The newly formed skin is pink at first and gradually returns to its normal appearance in 8 to 12 weeks. After the initial healing time, makeup can be used as a cover-up, and people can resume their normal activities in 7 to 10 days. Patients are instructed to use a sunscreen daily and to avoid unnecessary direct and indirect exposure to sunlight for several months.


Each person's skin heals differently. Some individuals tend to develop increased (hyper) or decreased (hypo) pigmentation after treatment. Bleaching preparations may be used to treat hyper pigmentation. Patients with clotting or bleeding disorders, keloidal scarring, immunosuppressant, or those who have taken oral retinoid (13-cis- retinoid acid), or isotretinoin must inform the dermatologist prior to the procedure.


Dermabrasion cannot be expected to eliminate or improve all scars. Some deeper scars require the use of other procedures to obtain the best results. These include surgical removal of the scars followed by small skin grafts or suturing. Dermabrasion may be used 6 to 8 Weeks later to smooth over these fresh scars.

Some patients may benefit from repeat touch-up dermabrasion of areas that have not been sufficiently improved after the initial procedure. Other patients may benefit from the use of filling substances such as collagen, hydraulic acid, or fat that can be used in conjunction with dermabrasion to elevate depressed scars.

Care after surgery

Do not drink alcohol for 48 hours after the surgery. Do not take Aspirin or any products that contain Aspirin or Ibuprofen for one week after the surgery. Avoid smoking, as advised by your doctor.


Dermabrasion has several benefits. It evens out the skin’s surface that has become dry and cracked as a result of too much exposure to the Sun or due to aging factors by stimulating the connective tissues. It eliminates the dull and faded appearance of the skin and boosts cell regeneration by increasing blood flow and oxygenation. It removes the wrinkles that appear due to repeated muscle contraction, such as the ones around the mouth and eyes. It reduces acne scars and opens blocked pores. It reduces the difference in the distribution of pigmentation and reduces scars marks.

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